As 2021 has started, everyone is eagerly waiting to know this year’s fortune… The pandemic outbreak of last year has changed the journey of human life...
SYNOPSIS: It is a reaction or an emotional state, an idea, or any belief derived from an intuitive understanding of something. Human feelings are the most...
SYNOPSIS OF FASTING: Fasting is the willful refrainment from eating for a period of time. It is very common among JAIN’S. Fasting is also called “upavaas”,...
SOUL : Soul can be defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal regarded as immortal. According to Jainism, soul is...
MEANING OF AHIMSA: Ahimsa means, ‘not to injure’, ‘not to harm’, ‘compassion’. The word is derived from Sanskrit root ‘HIMS’, which means ‘to strike’, himsa...
DONATION: WHAT IT MEANS ??? In this blog, I’m gonna speak about donations. What does “donate”? Donate means ‘to serve’. Donating others according to our ability,...
DEPRESSION- A GIST: The term depression came into use in the 19th century as “mental depression” describing the lowering of spirits, came to replace Melancholia as...
ESSENCE OF CURD: Curd is basically a dairy product that is obtained by coagulating milk in a process called curdling. The coagulation can be caused by...
China, officially, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC of CHINA, is right now the most powerful country in the world economically and no one can deny this fact. It is...
MEANING OF SPIRIT : It can be explained as, “the non-physical part of the person, which is the seat of emotions and character, the soul. Your...