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Knowledgeable Stories




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Always, we learned a lesson in our childhood life, “HALF KNOWLEDGE IS ALWAYS
DANGEROUS”,  but has anyone ever heard that, ” SMART KNOWLEDGE IS ALWAYS A
DAREDEVIL”? Knowledge means what..?? People nowadays believe that only with the
help of education, we will gain enormous knowledge about each and every phase of life…
but is that true..??? I believe by getting the education we only gain theoretical knowledge, but
what about practical knowledge… ???

How will we gain practical knowledge…???


After we complete the theoretical knowledge, our practical knowledge journey starts. Every day a new
the journey starts of gaining knowledge practically.
According to the author, any knowledge, whether it is practical or theoretical, can be
gained only through virtual experience. To gain proper knowledge, we need a lot of virtual
experience, otherwise, the half gained knowledge will always be dangerous. Half knowledge
is always considered as partial illiteracy and partial illiteracy is like foolishness. By
completing education, we may call ourselves a graduate or a literate but if practical
education is null, then we are illiterate. Illiteracy can be in any form, like, it can be civic,
factual, perceptional, mental, inventive, or emotional illiteracy.

In this story, as an author, I want to tell you all that however we may be smart in
looks, but if we don’t use our knowledge smartly, everything is in vain. The story is about a
small boy who smartly replies to lions, bears, wolves, and many other animals and makes
them fools. The story is to describes knowledge in two different ways – literate knowledge
and illiterate knowledge.


Once there was a small boy, Ishan, whose age was around 12 years. He wanted to
go to his granny’s house and he even fought with his mom regarding this. Ishan’s mother
used to tell him, your granny lives on the other side of the Jungle and there are many
animals in the jungle, so how will you go..??? But Ishan continues to argue and one day his
mother gives him permission to visit his granny’s house. Ishan’s mother tells Ishan to be
more careful while crossing the Jungle, as there are many animals which you will face in
between the Jungle. Ishan starts at his granny’s house. When he enters the Jungle, after
walking for a few miles, he meets a wolf.

The wolf says, ” I want to eat you, I want to eat you”. Ishan asked the wolf,”  Why do you want to eat me?; The wolf replies, I didn’t eat anything for the past few days and I’m very hungry, so now I’m looking at you as my meal.
At that time, Ishan smartly answers the wolf”; If you have been hungry for the past
few days, then it is of no use if you eat me now…


The wolf asked him, “why it’s of no use to eat you now”? Ishan replies, “You see, now I’m very thin and I am going to my granny’s house. At my granny’s house, I’ll eat pancakes, sweet desserts, dry fruits, cakes, and
pastries, I’ll become more healthy, gain more weight – at that time you eat me, your stomach
will also be filled with more heavy foods. This much food will remain in your stomach for a
few more days. So, how did you like my opinion..??”

The wolf also thinks for a while and says, that will be fine for me. You go to your
granny’s house and come back soon. I’ll wait for you over here and there is no other route to
go back to your own home apart from crossing this Jungle. Ishan also agrees and tells the
wolf to wait for him. He walks a little more and meets a bear and the bear also says the same


thing about eating Ishaan and Ishaan in return gives the same reply, that he gave to the wolf.
Now after a wolf, even a bear is waiting for Ishaan. Now he moves a little more in the Jungle
and he meets a lion. The lion says to Ishaan, I’ll eat you. Ishaan, in return replies the same
thing to the lion which he said to wolf and bear and the lion also agrees with Ishaan and
says, I’ll wait for you, come back fast.

Now, in the Jungle, the wolf, bear, and the lion are waiting for Ishaan to come back from
his granny’s home. On the other hand, Ishaan is enjoying his time at granny’s home. Having
a lot of fun, playing with siblings, eating a lot of healthy items like pancakes, desserts, dry
fruits, etc… Ishan gained a lot of weight. Now, the time has come for Ishan to go back home.
Ishan is now in tension as to how he will go back because the lion, bear, and wolf are waiting in
the jungle for him. He discusses the problem with his granny.


Granny thinks for a while, then comes out with a solution. Granny says to Ishan, I’ll
put you in a big drum. I’ll keep all the foodstuff inside the drum, if you feel hungry eat it in
between and rotate the drum very fastly. If anyone stops you in between, say them, I don’t
know who Ishan is. I’m a drum and I’m moving to my destination because someone has
pushed me fastly.

Granny puts Ishaan inside the drum and rotates the drum very fastly. Ishan, in the
drum, reaches the first lion. The lion asks Ishan, who is already inside the drum, “hey drum?
Have you seen Ishaan? I have been waiting for him for the past few days and still, he hasn’t
come..?? Ishaan, from the drum replies,  I don’t know who Ishaan is..??? I’m a drum and
moving to my destination because I was being pushed by someone.”  In this way, Ishaan
moves from there, and in the same way, Ishaan replies to the bear and then to the wolf and
finally reaches home safely.


So, this is how smart knowledge works, while going inside the jungle and coming
outside, Ishaan smartly came out of the situation and saved his life. But if a person, who is
having Half knowledge, what they will do… think about it…??

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Swami Vivekananda, the eternal Youth Icon, quoted the Youth as, “You are the leaders of tomorrow”. You are the heroes of tomorrow, you are those energies that will define the future of tomorrow”. So, Youths is tomorrow’s leaders and not the cheerleaders. Youth life is the Teenage life of a person and this life will shape and groom the whole life of that person.
Today’s youth are bold in their attitude, transparent in describing their ideas, views and thoughts, practical in their behaviour, reserved while talking with others, courageous in taking decisions and agile in nature. For them, life is like a ladder, where they climb the ladder step after step on it to reach success, without any tension and anyone’s interference.
They’re very straightforward and believe in winning at each and every phase of life. They have their own pace in life and every phase of life looks like a challenge, which then becomes more adventurous and adds more fun. So, the ultimatum is that their way of
seeing life is very different from the matured, adult and old-aged people. To understand more about the youth and to fulfil the basic essential requisites, here are a few ideas which can help parents in grooming their kids, who are going to become the future icons.

BELIEVE IN FAITH: Teach them to believe in faith. Firstly, believe in God and second, in yourself. Faith will give you all the positive vibes, which a person needs even if they are facing any obstacle in life. Teach them – mighty the obstacles, mighty will be your



It is very important for a person to understand and respect the feelings of any person. Particularly, teach them to respect the feelings of poor people and their willingness to help them or to be useful to any of their fellow beings. Respect the
feelings and willingness of your family members too. No matter whether they are older than you or younger. “Give respect to all” …


The personality and character of every person are to be inculcated firstly. They should work personally and mentally on their health to strengthen the body and do physical exercises to maintain their aggression. Their character should also be developed so that they can concentrate on their willpower, maintain their goodwill and live a healthy, useful and social life. The youth should be taught the difference between ego, jealousy, dominance and overconfidence versus discipline, commitment, obedience, self-respect, mannerism.


VALUE OF TIME: This is one of the most important aspects to be taught to each and every kid- TIME MANAGEMENT. People, who respect the value of their own time and respect others time too, will get respect from everyone.

NEVER GIVE UP: The youth should be made so strong in such a way, that any challenge or a problem or any obstacle should not divert their mind from reaching their target. In short, they should be taught never to give up in life. Even if you fail, don’t lose hope. Try and try till the last breath to overcome the hurdle.


GLORY OF LABOUR: What is the glory of labour should be taught to the rising heroes. Any kind of labour or work is not small and we should not feel ashamed to do work with our hands. If we see at a few of the foreign countries, we can see that from a very small age, the children start their labour. If we see in many countries, the students themselves clean the whole school, which also counts as a part of their curriculum. I am not blaming this as wrong, but I am just trying to say as like, this is the dignity of labour. Many students get involved in the field of science and technology to make experiments, and actually, this is the right place where we can explore many things. If we see today’s time, many youngsters are wasting their time making short videos. Instead of that try to make such “APPS”, from which you can earn more than what you are doing from those short videos.

EDUCATION: Which education will be better for the YOUTH? The book-worm education or the realistic education. The bookworm education means whatever the information is put in the brains of the youth, throughout their school life and the realistic education is where we teach the youth about teamwork, framing the character, life-giving, structuring the



1. Be humble, positive and always have a tendency of helping others.
2. Be bold, strong and an undisputed champion to face any hurdle fearlessly.
3. Totally devoted and dedicated towards work as like worshipping your God.
4. Be good and do good and have harmony for all people.
5. Choose your ideal which is higher to you, so that you understand what you want and
where you want to go in life.

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Knowledgeable Stories





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What is the price of a soul?? To whom should I ask this question..??

If I ask this question to an intelligent man, He’ll say, “It is priceless. How we can calculate the
price of a soul. Without a soul, our body is nothing but just a mud pile. No life without a soul”.
If I ask this same question to a less-minded person, he’ll say, what is the soul? Where is it
available? Did you purchase it? How much did you pay? Do I even want one? Can you
share it with me? and many other questions will be asked..??

If I ask a scholar, they’ll give a brief description and some other people may answer this
question scientifically, as per their knowledge.
But what if I ask this question to a person who is a scholar but because of his
laziness, is declared dead. The story will guide you in finding out the reply to this query from
the scholar. The main reason for the author to tell this story is to evaluate Laziness and how
lazy nature can harm your life, without your consent.


Once, there was a scholar who was intelligent and was always busy with so many
people around him in answering their questions, teaching them, and discussing new ideas.
One day, after finishing his full day’s work and having his supper, he went to sleep. When
he was sleeping, he felt thirsty. But, because he was so tired, he didn’t get up to drink the


He took this likely and slept. After he slept, at night, the soul came out of the body
because it was thirsty. The soul went out in search of water. It went here and there to find
the water so that it can drink the water and fulfill its thirst. The soul went a little bit far away
from the scholar and reached another place where another person was drinking water.
When the other person removed the lid from the pot to drink water, the soul also went inside
the pot to drink the water.


A big reason to worry..??

The other person took a glass of water and covered the pot with the lid, without
knowing the fact that the soul of the scholar is still inside the pot. The soul gets shut inside
the pot. Now, how will the soul come out of the pot…??? A big reason to worry..?? But it can
come, only when someone will remove the lid from the pot. Now, who will remove the lid, and
when they will remove it. By this time, what is happening with that scholar? Now, is the
scholar alive without a soul..?? And if he is not alive, then, is the dead..?? But his soul is still
in the pot, so how is he dead..???

As being the author of this story, I want to ask all of you whether the scholar is alive
or dead..??? What will happen now, next in the story? The people in the village gather
around the scholar and declare him dead without knowing the fact about his soul. On the
other side, still, nobody has removed the lid from the pot and the soul is still shut in the pot.
The people around the scholar, after declaring him dead, take him to the burial ground for
cremation. When the whole procedure was happening for cremation and they were putting
the fire to burn the body at that time, on the other side, the person got up and opened the lid
of the pot to drink water.


The soul comes out of the pot and immediately enters the body of the scholar.

Thescholar got up from his funeral and everybody thinks of him as a ghost. The scholar too was
in shock about how he came to the burial ground and why he was sleeping there for the
funeral. Then he remembers everything and slowly explains everything to the villagers. The
scholar said it was all my mistake. Last night, I was feeling thirsty and because of my
laziness, I didn’t get up to drink the water. I slept thirstily. So, at night, my soul went out of my
body. It went somewhere else in search of water.

Maybe, while drinking water the soul would have shut inside anything and you
people, over here, thought me as dead. So, this was all the confusion that happened all
because of my laziness. Me, being a scholar, have taught you so many things, discussed so
many ideas, given you so many of my opinions and views, but today is a big lesson which I
learned and I want everyone to learn from my story that laziness not only pulls down but
demolishes a human’s life.


It’s all our foolishness that pays to laziness, like how I did. Because of my laziness
I was declared dead. After this incident and because of my stupid laziness, now I understood
what is the price of a soul..!!!”; So, in the end, I want to ask you all, still you people want to
be lazy until you pay for the price of the soul..???

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Knowledgeable Stories

Misuse of LiveStock



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“The violence which is spread all around us,
how we can bring control,
when human himself became ruthless,
by destroying his own behavior,
then, how to bring the revolution of non-violence,
how to spread peace everywhere”…

This story is based on true facts about how we are misusing our livestock (animals)- just
for enjoying a meal in a hotel or a restaurant, for looking beautiful and glamorous, for
enhancing our taste, we are killing lots and lots of animals every day. In this study, two
reporters are sent for a sting operation to find out the true facts about how livestock is
misused in many different places. This article will be really worthy, knowledgeable and
moreover it is based on the true facts, which can bring a change in life. So, meet the two
reporters, who are performing a sting operation and they will take you to many different



REPORTER 1: So firstly, let’s move on to a bread factory.
REPORTER 2: Do you guys want to see, like, how your favorite bread or pizza base is
getting ready..???

RPTR 1 : (asking the man) What are you doing like this..??

MAN: I’m making the bread, can’t you see..?? and who are you guys..??
RPTR 2: (cutting the question of the man): We can see that you are preparing bread but
can’t you see.., there are many small organisms moving in the dough..??? You just need to
throw this dough outside… it’s harmful..!!
MAN: What..?? You are telling me to throw the dough outside.. but this is how the bread is


RPTR 1: What do you mean by this, bread is prepared in this way…??

MAN: I mean, when I’ll keep the dough like this, then only it will ferment and we will get the
tasty, tasty soft, and spongy bread, and during fermentation, it is quite obvious that small
organisms will be formed.


RPTR 2: But we put yeast in the bread.

MAN: Yes, bread is made from yeast, but yeast is also nothing but fermentation. (ZYMOSIS
– It is also a type of yeast that causes infectious diseases). Until the dough ferments, in
any of the above ways, how we will get the tasty, soft, and spongy bread.

RPTR 2: But this is wrong..?

MAN: Nothing is wrong. As you see, how many people are eating bread and many of the
fast-food is also being prepared with bread. Even the doctors recommend bread as it is a
low-fat content food, but everyone knows that bread is prepared with all-purpose flour. Don’t
waste my time as you can see we are busy preparing bread, you people can go away.


RPTR 1: So you see, this is how the bread is prepared. Just to get the spice and taste in our
the food we are killing so many livestock.

RPTR 2: If all these livestock are being put on a plate in front of you, will you dare enough
to eat everything?


(The sting operation continues in a slaughterhouse which is not so popular…)
How many have heard about such a slaughterhouse, where animals are not only
killed, but they are being tied up with the help of a rope, their skin is removed and a bonfire
has been kept below to collect the fat.

RPTR 1: Now, let’s move on to a slaughterhouse where ghee (clarified butter) is prepared
for many big hotels and restaurants.


RPTR 2: Let’s see, by using this ghee (clarified butter), how and why the food becomes
(When the reporters were moving in the slaughterhouse, a person stopped them and

MAN 1: Wait, you need to tie a cloth on your mouth, and even after that if you feel like
vomiting, you can come out anytime.(Both the reporters move inside and can’t believe the visuals which they were seeing with
their eyes and come out because what they saw was so scary to see… They come out and
ask the questions of the person who was working in that slaughterhouse)…


RPTR 1: (in complete shock) what was that…???
RPTR 2: It was so scary… and what was hanging there…
MAN 1: Pigs and dogs…
RPTR 1: What…??? Dogs and pigs?? But where is their skin???
MAN 2: Skin.. that we have removed it…
RPTR 2: But why did you remove the skin??

MAN 1: Why did we remove means… to get the perfect texture of fat, the skin has to be
removed. Otherwise, if the skin will get mixed up with the fat, then greasiness in the fat will not
be correct and the fat will be of no use.


RPTR 2: Why did you keep a bonfire below the animal’s body..???

MAN 2: Because of that bonfire only, the fat will melt and fall drop by drop in the container
and we can supply this greasy fat as clarified butter in the hotels and restaurants.


RPTR 1: What.. as clarified butter?? What are you saying… seriously?? And none of the
customer complaints about the smell or taste of the food.

MAN 1: How can anyone do..?? We mix this fat with pure clarified butter and sell it in hotels,
restaurants and many more places…


MAN 2: And moreover you see, if you want clarified butter for Rs 100, then fat is added more
and clarified butter less in quantity. and if you want 200rs or maybe 300rs or 500rs, the fat
quantity will decrease and pure clarified butter quantity, as per the amount.
(Both the reporters go from there and think about what they saw, which is to be believed or
(Now next, both the reporters go to another slaughterhouse and what they saw was really
very painful)

RPTR 1: Now, we came to another slaughterhouse where varieties of livestock are misused.
RPTR 2: Let’s move in.
RPTR 1: Why are you killing so many animals..??
MAN: We are killing them only for you people.
RPTR 2: What do you mean that you are killing them for us..??
MAN: Yessssss… it’s all you people who want good face creams, good lipsticks, fashionable
leather bags, belts, purses, shoes, and many other new varieties of items every day. So, we
have to kill them otherwise how will you get all these products..????


RPTR 1: What is this bluff… ???
RPTR 2: Don’t you people get scared of killing them.???
MAN: Why do we have to be scared? Above all, we are killing them once, that too for you all.
But you people are applying these dead bodies on your face, lips, waist, etc… Aren’t you all
scared? Anyhow, we are happy in killing them and you are happy in applying and using

them, so let this continue and continue. Now you people just go from here and don't distract
us from our work.
(Both the reporters go from there..)
RPTR 1: So, you see, for looking fashionable and beautiful, what is the procedure followed
inside the slaughterhouse and that too for we people… RPTR 2: Oh God! Can anyone say what is their fault? For what purpose have they are been killed and that too in such a horrific way. These livestock’s, they’re also just like us. They also walk, eat, drink, breathe, die, take birth.., then what is the difference between us and them..?? RPTR 1: There is only one difference – we can speak but they can’t.. We can express our pain to others, but they can’t.. Even though their mouths are tied up, the tears still fall from
their eyes, which is so painful. RPTR 2: How far are we humans are correct on our way… By applying and using these dead
bodies, for our taste and temptation, are we really correct or we have become insane.
(Apart from this, the reporters opened many more things about human’s insanity)
The reporters say this:
1. What is “E” doing in your food products?
2. What is “E”; doing in your cosmetic products?
3. " NICKEL, “RENNET” doesn’t suit your body, but is available in chocolates and biscuits.
4. Rabbits are killed for soft toys, fur, etc.
5. Whales are killed to make lipsticks



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