यारियां – (जश्न -ए – दोस्ती) ( मित्रता दिवस): बहुत खूब किसी ने मित्रता को इस प्रकार उद्धृत किया है, “एक मित्र दो शरीरों में निवास...
EDUCATION: Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. The method of education includes teaching, training,...
Food – what is the meaning of food? What is termed food? How much food should we have…?? and most important is “IS FOOD – A...
As 2021 has started, everyone is eagerly waiting to know this year’s fortune… The pandemic outbreak of last year has changed the journey of human life...
SYNOPSIS: It is a reaction or an emotional state, an idea, or any belief derived from an intuitive understanding of something. Human feelings are the most...
SYNOPSIS OF FASTING: Fasting is the willful refrainment from eating for a period of time. It is very common among JAIN’S. Fasting is also called “upavaas”,...
SOUL : Soul can be defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal regarded as immortal. According to Jainism, soul is...
MEANING OF AHIMSA: Ahimsa means, ‘not to injure’, ‘not to harm’, ‘compassion’. The word is derived from Sanskrit root ‘HIMS’, which means ‘to strike’, himsa...
DONATION: WHAT IT MEANS ??? In this blog, I’m gonna speak about donations. What does “donate”? Donate means ‘to serve’. Donating others according to our ability,...
DEPRESSION- A GIST: The term depression came into use in the 19th century as “mental depression” describing the lowering of spirits, came to replace Melancholia as...