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The Three Jewels of Jainism



The Three Jewels of Jainism
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The three jewels of Jainism are also known as three gems and three harbors. They’re different from the three jewels of Buddhism. They’re the central practice of Jainism for both Cyrenaics and the congregation. The three jewels are interdependent but independent. They prepare followers to take the promises they must take as part of their religious obligation.

Jainism is a veritably austere religion, which requires a high degree of commitment from its followers, in which you have to be willing to give up everything to achieve emancipation, including life. While the congregation is given some freedom to exercise the law, no indulgence is given to those who have chosen to come Cyrenaics and follow the path in letter and spirit. The three jewels that are common to both groups are the civilization of 1. Correct perception (samyak darshana), 2. Correct knowledge (samyak jnana), and 3. Correct conduct (samyak charitra). These three jewels are bandied in detail below.


Correct perception( Samyak Darsana)

Right, Perception (samyak charitra) is also restated into English as correct vision and correct vision. Actually, it’s all these and further. Perception isn’t a bare physical act. There’s an internal process behind it and it’s greatly told by the station and background of the educator. Correct Perception comes with the capability to rightly distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad, correct belief and incorrect belief, correct knowledge and incorrect knowledge, and between verity and falsehood.


Right, Perception comes from the right studies, the right perception, the right knowledge, the right understanding, the right faith, the right connections, and the right station. In a traditional sense, correct perception comes from having correct beliefs and allowing rightly about the thirty Shankara’s and their training, and knowing the difference between Jiva, the embodied soul, and Ajiva, inert matter. In a negative sense, correct perception also means not having the wrong perception, which is acquired by not believing in false prophets, by not following the wrong Good Book, by not believing in wrong knowledge, and by not indulging in wrong practices.

Correct perception leads to satisfaction (Prasanna), detachment (nirveda), spiritual craving for emancipation (samvega), virtuousness (anukampa), and faith in the path (astikaya). It also results in the release of eight types of pride, videlicet pride in family, physical strength, beauty, knowledge, wealth, authority, connections, and spiritual advancement. Cultivating correct perception requires great inner discipline and industrious practice that requires the ensuing conditions.


1. Faith without dubieties,

2. Complete repudiation of the desire for worldly comforts,
3. Respect for religionists on the road,


4. Absence of likes and dislikes.

5. Objectiveness in the wrong ways,


6. Leadnon-believers on the road,

7. Civilization of righteous faith, and


8. Spread knowledge of Jainism

Correct Knowledge (Samyak Jnan)


Correct knowledge( samyak jnan) comes with correct perception, correct understanding, correct demarcation, and with knowledge of true doctrine. Knowledge attained through external agents is subject to error, while knowledge attained directly through the faculties of the soul can not be incorrect. The true test of correct knowledge lies in its capability to help us gain what’s good for us and avoid what’s unethical. Correct knowledge is useful and dependable because it’s a true representation of what it is.

Jainism recognizes eight types of knowledge. Of these, five constitute correct knowledge. They’re mati ( internal knowledge), sruti ( acquired knowledge), avadhi ( distant knowledge), manahparyaya ( metaphysical knowledge), and kevala ( absolute knowledge). The remaining three types of knowledge constitute false knowledge (mithya jnan). They’re invalid knowledge, wrong knowledge, and wrong knowledge.
Mati jnana ( internal knowledge) is an ordinary perception attained through the normal faculties of the mind similar to perception, cognition, analysis, and memory. It’s further divided into smriti ( remembrance), pratyabhijna or samjna (recognition), band-aid or Tarka (inductive sense), and abhinibodha or anumana ( deducible sense). According to another bracket, it’s divided into upalabdhi ( end result), Bhavana ( passions and feelings), and upayoga ( utility). Matijnana comes to us substantially through the sense organs (indriyas). So sensitive mindfulness always precedes internal mindfulness.



Sruti jnana is verbal and non-verbal knowledge acquired through signs, symbols, and words. Study and hail are the usual styles of carrying srutijnana. Whereas matijnana is acquired through primary contact, srutijnana is acquired through secondary contact or other sources. Srutijnana is of four types depending on how it’s acquired labdhi ( contact), Bhavana ( attention), upayoga ( utility), and naya ( perspective). The difference between sruti and mati is veritably subtle because in the case of srutijnana also perception, cognition, and understanding play an important part. Matijnana is the raw material that srutijnana comes from as a finished product. The former is grounded on particular gests and comprehensions, while the ultimate is grounded on the knowledge and gests of other people that have been espoused through communication.


Avadhi jnana is extrasensory perception or knowledge of distant and remote effects acquired through advanced faculties, without the use of the senses or study. It comes from birth (bhava) due to former air or from merits (gunas) acquired by doing good air and destroying bad air.
Manahparyaya jnana is knowledge acquired psychically through the minds of other people using the paranormal faculty of mind-reading or precognition. People blessed with this faculty have the capability to actually see the allowed forms and internal prints of other people and incontinently know what they’re allowing. Manahparyaya jnana is acquired due to former good air or virtue acquired in the present life by barring impure air. Manahparyaya is a kind of avadhijnana, but it’s limited to the reach of other people’s minds and what’s passing in them. In comparison, avadhijnana extends to everything and every place. Second, both humans and others can acquire avadhijnana, but manahparyaya is only possible in the case of humans.

Kevala jnana is the” Only” knowledge or absolute knowledge. It’s also described as the perfect knowledge and the ultimate knowledge. Kevalajnana isn’t subject to points of view or perspectives because it contains all points of view and perspectives contemporaneously. It’s human, universal, inexpressible, measureless, eternal, and transcendental to which the limitations of space and time don’t apply. It’s acquired only when a person has reached nirvana.
The knowledge attained by these five means is divided into direct knowledge (pratyaksha) and circular knowledge (paroksha). Direct knowledge is that which is acquired directly without the intervention of an external agency. Of the five types of knowledge, the first two are considered circular and thus dependable, while the last three are direct and more dependable. Circular knowledge is susceptible to error, invalid conclusions, and falsehood, while direct knowledge is perfect.


From correct perception arises correct knowledge. From correct knowledge arises correct conduct and the power of demarcation. As air is gradationally removed from the embodied tone, it begins to acquire different types of correct knowledge. Perceptual knowledge comes first. Hence arises the desire to study and acquire sruti knowledge. From the study of the doctrine and its practice arises extrasensory perception or knowledge of distant objects and precognition. These extraordinary powers allow the jiva to come into contact with advanced beings from whom it gains further knowledge leading to further sanctification. As the Jiva becomes an expert in different kinds of knowledge. gradationally advance on the path of emancipation and attain kevala jnana or the loftiest knowledge. Eventually, in the transcendental state, the Jiva earnings perfect knowledge and becomes complete.
Right conduct( Samyak Charitrya)
The three jewels are connected and work together. You can not have the correct geste without the correct knowledge and you can not have the correct knowledge without the correct perception. Right geste comes from mindfulness of what’s right and what’s wrong and from doing what’s right. It’s rehearsing the correct knowledge revealed by the Tirthankaras and the jinas. At the center of his training is the practice of non-violence as a result of the problem of air. Still, ahimsa must be rehearsed in confluence with other training. A follower of Jainism should have no dubieties about the training of the Jinas. From faith comes the conviction and determination to remain married to the trip. Faith in doctrine is, thus, the first commitment anticipated of every follower. The conviction is further cemented by the 12 promises, or vratas, that each initiate in Jainism from.

Five vows (Mahavratas)



In Jainism, the five main promises are an important part of spiritual practice to achieve emancipation. They’re intended for both lay followers and Cyrenaics. The top five votes are listed below.

Ahimsa-no injury or non-violence rehearsed without piercing, not binding, not overfilling, not causing pain, and not starving beings. Ahimsa should be rehearsed appreciatively by rehearsingnon-violence and negatively by abstain from violence.
Satya probity, which must be rehearsed without spreading false doctrines, without grunting, without falsifying, without betraying secrets, and without breaking pledges. Satya should be rehearsed appreciatively by rehearsing probity and negatively by not telling falsehoods.


Asteya- don’t steal, exercise not encourage others to steal, don’t admit stolen property, don’t acquire effects against the law, don’t dilute and don’t use false weights or measures, use or what’s attained legitimately, and don’t take what isn’t given. Asteya should be rehearsed appreciatively by using what one has and negatively by not taking what has not been given.
Brahmacharya-Chastity or continence, to be rehearsed by not allowing adulterous affairs, not indulging in unnatural coitus, not indulging in lewd gesture, not showing inordinate passion for your partner, and not associating with sexually immortal people. Brahmacharya should be rehearsed appreciatively by observing continence and negatively by abstaining from voluptuous pleasure.

Aparigriha repudiation or detachment, which is rehearsed by limiting effects through three progressive situations of reduction at a position advanced than what you have, at a position equal to what you really have, and at a position lower than what you have. Aparigriha should be rehearsed appreciatively in gifting and negatively in not seeking worldly effects.
The five promises are called mahavratas or great promises when strictly rehearsed. In the case of ordinary people who can not rigorously exercise them, they’re called anuvratas or minor promises. Those who have espoused asceticism are anticipated to observe them all the time mentally, verbally, and physically. For illustration, the oath of ahimsa should be rehearsed without harming others mentally, verbally, and physically. Lay people are also advised to refrain from associating with people who are insincere on the way and who habitually violate the promises. Cyrenaics are advised to keep an eye on themselves at all times while rehearsing promises with firm resoluteness, cultivating 10 further merits, videlicet kshama ( remission), mardava ( modesty), arjava ( honesty), Satya ( verity), soucha ( chastity).)., samyam ( tone- control), tapas (penance), tyaga ( immolation), akinchanya ( detachment) and brahmacharya ( continence).


Seven Promises for the Congregation
In addition to the five promises, lay followers must fulfill seven fresh promises. Of these, three are related to gunas or rates (guna vratas), and four are related to education or religious knowledge (siksha vratas). The guna vratas are

Dik vrata consists of assessing tone- assessed limitations to reduce the chances of transgressions. They act as control norms.


Bhoga upabhoga parimana vrata, which consists of assessing tone- assessed limitations on consumable and non-consumable particulars and effects used.

Anartha danda vrata, which consists of tone-assessed restrictions to avoid gratuitous wrong.


Siksha vratas are meant to expand one’s mindfulness and knowledge. Are

Samyak vrata, which consists of sharing in ages of contemplation, is the study of the Good Book for no lower than a specific period of time.


Desavakasika vrata, which consists of observing tone- assessed limitations regarding the place of stay or trip or trip time.

Pausadha vrata, which consists of periodically living as an ascetic, rehearsing silence, fasting, not drinking water, etc. for a specific period of time, similar to a day.


Atithi samvibhaga vrata, which consists of treating Cyrenaics with honor and respect due to a guest or aiding the monastic community with vittles similar as food, drink, apparel, drug, accommodation, etc.

11 fresh votes for the advanced congregation
In addition to the 12 promises, eleven further promises are specified for lay followers who want to enter the coming stage of spiritual practice. Are
1. Worship the Tirthankaras, admire the practitioner, and believe in his training.


2. Facing death in peace through gradational starvation.
3. Live the life of an ascetic six months out of time.

4. Meditate three times a day.
5. Avoid raw vegetables


6. Don’t eat after evening and before daylight and don’t drink water before daylight.
7. Stay down from your partner.

8. Refrain from engaging in worldly conditioning.
9. To eat only the leavings


10. Lead the life of an ascetic outside the home, wearing ascetic clothes and following the rules of an ascetic.

11. Remain a novitiate for the rest of your life.


Just penance
In addition to promises, certain common duties are specified for both Cyrenaics and the congregation. The former are anticipated to strictly admire them while the ultimate make certain concessions to themselves, as they aren’t completely committed to the path.

These are described as correct penance (tapas) and correct contemplation. Just penance is both external and internal. The external penances are dieting (Nanshan), temperance in food (unodari), living like a beggar (bhikshachari), incuriosity to physical pain (kayaklesh), and pullout from worldly conditioning (sallinatha). The internal penances are penitence (prayaschitta), modesty (Vinaya), service (vaiyavritya), study (svadhyaya), contemplation (dhyana), and repudiation (viyuut-sarga).


Right contemplation-12 reflections (bhavanas)
Correct contemplation consists of rehearsing 12 types of reflections, on the following.

1. Anitya Bhavna-Impermanence of the world
2. Asarana Bhavna-Helplessness or the study that no bone provides protection


3. Samsara Bhavna the cycle of births and deaths
4. Ekatva Bhavna-Loneliness and loneliness of the soul.

5. Anyatva Bhavna dissimilitude and separation
6. Asuci Bhavna-Impurity of the body and actuality


7. Asrava Bhavna-The affluence of air
8. Samvara Bhavna- Stopping the affluence of air

9. Nirjara Bhavna- Get rid of air
10. Loka Bhavna-Nature of the world


11. Bodhi-durlabha Bhavna- Difficulties in attaining correct faith, knowledge, and conduct.
12. Dharma Bhavna-Essential Doctrine and Training

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Before arguing about religion, relating to any issue, let me ask you all – is religion a scam or a legit…??? 100% of you people will be asking me… how dare you say religion is a scam…??? Of course, it is legit, accepted by all the people.


We have our own religious beliefs, sentiments, emotions, hope and above all, it has our FAITH in it. Religion cannot be a scam. If religion is not a scam then why is it created as an issue and made like a scam…??



According to any survey or search, it is believed that Hinduism is the first religion which was started. This religion has 33 highly virtuous and are worshipped as the Lord’s. Islam, Christianity are all started after the Hinduism was already originated.

So, we can believe that everybody were first hindus and then they were converted to particular religions like Islam, Christianity, Muslims, Jains and many other religions. If we see the history of our own ancestors, we will understand that we are all converted.


Now again, the issues are started relating to religion and conversion. First thing, I don’t understand why we need to create an issue on religion..?? What is the purpose of this issue..?? What can anybody gain from this conversion or why are the arguments on religion..??

As per all the religions, we are just a body.. that’s it., and the body is going to get demolished after death. Only the soul will be involved in the recycling of births and deaths, not the body… Who knows in the next birth in which religion we are going to take birth..??


READ my BLOG – “PHANTASM”, which speaks about a chat between a human and a soul, which illuminates the role of soul and the body.

Is anyone sure or can give assurance that even in my next birth also, I’ll take birth in the same religion… Can anyone guarantee this…?? No, no-one can predict the future. We always learned to live in the present and safeguard your future, so that in the future we or our next generation should not face any problem.


But, here the future is totally unpredictable. Here future means – the next birth and in this present situation if we keep on going to create problems relating to religion, then, do you people actually think we are safeguarding our next generation or complicating their lives..??

Among us, many of us have suffered a lot and we grew up. We also think that our next generation should not suffer the same way. But, this issue is definitely complicating the life of the next generation.


WHY A PERSON DOES RELIGION CONVERSION..?? : There can be three main reasons why a person wants to get converted from one religion to other:

– the person might be attracted to that religion


– the person might be helplessness or coercive

– the person may see himself benefited


We cannot talk about those persons who are attracted to any religion or who benefit from the conversion. But I want to particularly talk about those persons who are helpless or coercive… What about them…??? After the conversion neither their religion is accepting them back again nor the converted religion is helping them and the situation ends up in such a way that those persons are left out to live up their life without any religion..??


Can you imagine those people who are left out to live up their life without any religion..?? No, we can’t imagine. I have seen a real life example : A lady, who converted herself to another religion, going against her family and kids, as she was helpless and needed peace in life.


Soon after the conversion she realised that nothing had changed in her life. The complications and problems keep on increasing and when she questioned the person who converted her to another religion..??

Maybe still you didn’t accept God whole-heartedly or still you didn’t forget your previous Lords and she has been left to live her life. Now her position is neither she is following the religion in which she was born nor she is following the religion in which she got converted.



Life without religion will be like – no emotions, no feelings, no attachment, no sacraments, no faith, no belief, no trust – a big disaster for humanity. I have mentioned this in one of my previous blogs, ” FEW PROPHECIES BY LORD MAHAVEER”, where you will be able to see how life would be without religion.

So please don’t make religion an issue. Let the people live with their own religion – whether they are attracted or they are helpless, let them decide which RELIGION they want to follow.





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what is the meaning of truth
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                     Truth means, “the quality of being true”, or maybe said as, “the real facts about a situation, event, or person”. Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or standard.






                     “SATYAMEVA JAYATE”, in itself is a complete sentence that speaks about the truth. This Sanskrit phrase means, “truth alone wins”. Truth is all that and it will exist. To speak the truth, it needs two people, one who can speak the truth and the other person, who can listen silently and accept the truth. If any of the two people deny their work, then truth loses existence.


                       This is the current situation of our surroundings. Either people are afraid to speak the truth, or the other way, people are not ready to accept the truth. So, slowly the truth is disappearing. Think about it, friends, if the truth will vanish, how our life is going to be….. A FAKE? ?? Then….. Our beliefs – FAKE., Our feelings – FAKE., Our emotions – FAKE., Our sentiment, rituals, culture – FAKE., and at the end we humans live – FAKE., FAKE.,….????

                       Truth is like a Pillar. It doesn’t require reflection or illusion of any substance.








                         Truth, in itself, is a pillar, which doesn’t need any shadow or reflection. People who speak the truth are always adorable because of their ability to speak the truth. Few more reasons I will mention below, that why speaking the truth is always important in every person’s life and here they are:


  1. IDEALISTIC IDENTITY: Building a habit of always speaking the truth will make you an idealistic person among others because it takes a lot of courage to speak the truth.


  1. TRUST: If a person speaks truth always, then he will be trusted for his works and deeds. All relationships start from trust creating that trust makes you trustworthy.


  1. WASTING OF TIME: If a person lies, that means he has to think about what lies he has to say and how to frame a lie and remember that lie every time, because of the fear of being caught. And again fear frames another lie and then another one. But if a person speaks the truth, his time will not be wasted in framing and telling a lie and he will earn respect among others for being truthful.


  1. CONFIDENCE: If we are truthful and always speak the truth, that means we are confident enough in our statements and we carry a pride or honor for being confident.


  1. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS: If we speak lies and if we are caught then we will feel ashamed and that will make an embarrassing moment for us. But if we speak the truth, there is no need to feel ashamed about anything.


  1. PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT: Truth not only gives self-confidence but also improves our personality. Speaking truth will make you an honest person, and honest persons are always welcomed by friends, relatives or colleagues for new opportunities, new works and thus you become a role model for many things which ultimately develops your personality.


  1. ATTITUDE: Apart from all the above-mentioned reasons, the most important factor in speaking truth is that the person builds his/her own attitude which will not be a shadow or reflection of others attitudes. Your attitude will be all yours and you’ll be ideal for many people.


                   So, speaking truth always gives you self-confidence, motivates your thoughts, develops your personality, makes you a role model, makes you trustworthy, and above all helps you in creating your own attitude, an attitude which is not copied or borrowed, not a shadow or a reflection, but just you and you.





  1. There is no creator called GOD or any GOD as judge, but admire to be like liberated souls that have attained MOKSHA.
  2. We all should believe that all living beings (i.e) bacteria, plants, animals, or humans, all are equal and all souls have the potential to attain liberation.
  3. Karma is the cause of suffering in the world, but it is not a form of judgment or punishment. It is simply because of our actions, words, thoughts (negative or positive). So friends, think before you speak because you are responsible for your deeds.
  4. Few religions like JAINS have various dietary restrictions which most of Jain follow according to their desire.
  5. In Jainism, different living beings are bound in different ways by KARMA, but everyone must treat all living beings with respect and kindness. Avoid harming them by words, actions, or thoughts.
  6. Right belief, Right Knowledge, and Right conduct are the three most important central guides for an individual to achieve the goal.


        !!!…TRUTH ALONE WINS…..

                  ….. SATYAMEVA JAYATE ..!!!


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how humans lost their humanity
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In this world of living beings, there are three major types and they are – plants, animals and humans. God would have felt blissful to give human beings the most wonderful creature in the world. But never thought it’s going to go upside down, as animals will gain humanity and slowly humans will lose it. In this blog, I will speak and point out the different ways which clearly shows that there is no more humanity left in humans.



WITH PLANTS: Plants are one-sensed living beings. Botanical research also has revealed that plants are capable of responding and reacting to a broad variety of stimuli including chemicals, gravity, light, moisture, temperature etc. Even though being a living being, we humans kill the trees so badly for our purposes. People kill the trees to build their homes, buildings, stores etc…  Farmers kill the trees to clear the land for agriculture. In rural areas, trees are being killed for wood, for fire, so that they can heat up their homes and cook on them. The Paper industry kills the trees for making paper and many companies kill them and sell them to earn money without even caring about them. 

   Almost 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are killed every year. You might be noticing that I am not writing as cutting the trees, but I am writing as killing the trees..?? Yes, it’s killing, because they are also living beings. There are numerous alternative ways in which we can save the tree’s life. Trees contain natural fibres that are used for making pulp and this pulp is the base for a lot of products such as toilet paper, packing material, tissues, diapers etc. But there are other kinds too which also have natural fibres such as bamboo, flax, hemp, wheat straw and few others that can be used as an alternative.



There are many species of trees in many forests, but only a few dozens of them are killed. We can opt for other species too with similar characteristics if harvested responsibly. Recycling paper is also done. So instead of throwing papers, magazines etc..  send this to a recycling facility, they will reuse the papers. The most terrible way of killing the plants is seen in the Solomon Islands. If the tree is not needed or not benefiting the humans on that Island, they are cursing, yelling at trees and in a few days, the tree falls and dies. This theory is called hollering to the spirit of the tree, which kills the tree. People say how hollering can kill the tree..?? It can kill the tree because they can react and respond to the stimuli. The best example- “Touch-me-not” plant.



WITH ANIMALS: As we know, animals are killed for various purposes such as Animal Sacrifice (for a deity), Animal Slaughter (for food), hunting (for products), but killing a living being is always a sin. Just for the sake of fun, a pregnant elephant was killed in Kerala after suspecting firecrackers hidden in the pineapple fruit, which exploded in her mouth. After this act of Keralite’s, the city is defined as no more God’s own City- a place of demons and whoever feels that justice should be given to the pregnant elephant, raise your voice for punishing that Keralite in the same way as to how he killed that pregnant elephant. Here are few others: 



COW: Can anyone imagine, why only cows are giving milk and not an ox? Yes, true… because cows are female. And when a female can produce milk in her body..?? Yes,  it is possible only if she is pregnant. The same is with a cow too. Can a female feed her milk to another child..?? No.., but cows are feeding their milk to others. With the help of injection, cow’s are turned pregnant many times and once the ability is over to sustain a pregnancy, those cows are taken to the slaughterhouses and they are cut down insanely to get the beef from them. Various products are made from milk – cream, condensed milk, butter, cheese, ice cream, milk powder, yoghurt and almost all dairy products.



RABBIT: See what a rabbit has to say about his pain while getting killed by humans.  “My head is held in a screw. A metal clip is used to keep my eyes open. Then, drop by drop hair shampoo is poured into my eyes. I start to scream, fight with the screw, which is holding me, to get rid of the scary pain and the burning sensation. Tears are running continuously from my eyes. I fail to save myself and slowly I turn blind and lose my life. This is rabbits scary pain which no one would have heard before. People make soft toys, fur, shampoo extra from rabbits, the most innocent and lovable animal.


WHALE: Whale fish are very brutally caught and cut into small pieces by cutting machines and those pieces are made into powder. The lipsticks are made from their blood and meat.



PIGS:  Pigs, we know that pigs can eat a whole human being including his bones. But do you know how pigs are eaten by humans? Pigs are killed brutally and tied upside down with the help of a strong rope. A bonfire is placed under their body. Slowly the body starts to melt and drop by drop the humans collect the fat of those tied pigs. From this fat, many things are made and this fat is added with clarified butter and sold in many hotels and restaurants. There are many more animals and plants who are killed brutally and that is insane.









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A new era in the educational sector has been enabled, an era to digest. It was like a cyclone which ruined many dreams, many ambitions, reservations, quota system, in short a very big devastation.


The educational ministers and every higher official relating to the ministry of education was stampede as how to find a solution to this problem and how to get rid from this because for how many days we can avoid the ranking system, as many things are connected with ranking system like reservation, quota system, backward community’s higher educational status, position, power and a lot more.



One term passed away and none of the school recorded any suicide because of the change in the ranking system. The results were only declared as PASS and FAIL. Now nobody knows who is first and who is last in the class. The government officials kept a meeting with the other educational officials and thought that this change in the ranking system can be applied for students till Grade 9 and also for the college going students.

But what about the students of Grade 10, 11 and 12..?? If there will not be any ranking system for students of Grade 10, 11 and 12, then the whole educational system will collapse..?? There was a huge pressure on the police officials too as to find out the culprit and what is the reason behind this painful crime.



On the other hand, CHARU was still visiting the police officials to know about our friend Tanya.., but no clue was detected about her.. One day suddenly, a police official arrested a boy, who lives on the footpath and his age will be around 15 years, to the police station for a crime which was never ever thought about..??

The senior officials asked about the boy’s crime to the police official who brought him to the police station. The police official said, he is commanding other persons and they also are listening to all his commands.


The senior official said they might be his friends or partners or the same category of people living on footpaths. So, they would have listened to him. But what’s wrong in it, why did you arrest him..?? The police officer who arrested the boy said, No sir, they were not his friends or the same category of people living on the footpath.


In fact, those all were from rich families, fewer were boys, girls, small kids and even youngsters too. The police official added that he was commanding those people to steal someone’s wallets, chains and any valuable items from anyone. The most important thing which shocked me was everyone obeyed his commands.


Whatever he is saying to them they are all doing it without even asking a single question..??? How’s that possible…??? The senior officials were also shocked to hear this as how is it possible for that boy to command other people’s, and those people’s too, without questioning anything to him, obeying all his commands..??


The police official started enquiring from the boy as to how it is possible that everybody over there was listening and obeying your commands without asking you even a single question…??? The boy was a very dirty minded person and knew about the fact that police won’t harm the junior’s. So, he was not ready to open his mouth and reveal the fact that why those people were obeying his commands..??



Being the writer of the story, can you tell me the reason as to why the people were obeying a poor boy’s command, who lives on the footpath. Feel free to share your opinions and suggestions. Wait for the new twist in the story.

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boosting your immune system
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1. Get enough sleep

Sleep and impunity are closely related. This helps boosting your immune system.

In fact, poor or wanting sleep is linked to increased weakness to sickness.


In a study of 164 healthy grown-ups, those who slept subordinate to 6 hours each night were more likely to get a snap than those who slept 6 hours or other each night.

Getting enough rest can strengthen your natural immunity. Also, you can get other sleep when you’re sick to allow your vulnerable system to better fight the trouble.


Grown-ups should aim for 7 or further hours of sleep each night, while teens need 8-10 hours and young children and babies up to 14 hours.

Notwithstanding, try limiting screen time to one hour before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by your phone If you have trouble sleeping.


Other sleep hygiene tips include sleeping in a fully dark room or wearing a sleep mask, going to bed at the same time each night, and exercising regularly.

2. Eat additional whole manufactory foods

Whole manufactory foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that can give you an edge against baneful pathogens.


The antioxidants in these foods help dwindle inflammation by fighting unstable emulsions called free revolutionaries, which can induce inflammation when they accumulate in your body at high strata.

Inveterate inflammation is linked to multitudinous health conditions, including heart trouble, Alzheimer’s, and certain cancers.


Meanwhile, the fiber in manufactory foods energies your gut microbiome, or the community of healthy bacteria in your gut. A robust gut microbiome can enhance your exemption and help forestall baneful pathogens from entering your body through your digestive tract.

Also, fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, which can reduce the duration of the common deep freeze.


3. Eat healthier fats

Healthy fats, cognate as those establish in olive canvas and salmon, can boost your body’s unassailable response to pathogens by dropping inflammation.

Although low-reach inflammation is a normal response to stress or injury, dyed-in-the-wool inflammation can suppress your unassailable system.
Olive canvas, which is considerablyanti-inflammatory, is linked to a lower hazard of bred-in-the-bone ails like heart ailment and type 2 diabetes. Further, its anti-inflammatory lots can help your body fight baleful bacteria and banes that bring ailment.


Omega-3 adipose acids, like those in salmon and chia seeds, also fight inflammation.

4. Eat further fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement.

Fermented foods are rich in friendly bacteria called probiotics, which people your digestive tract.


These foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and natto.

Exploration suggests that a flourishing network of gut bacteria can help hallowed cells discriminate between normal and healthy cells and deleterious overrunning organisms.


In a 3-month study of 126 children, those who drank just2.4 ounces (70 ml) of brewed milk a day had about 20 small nonage-catching bugs, compared to a control group.

Notwithstanding, probiotic supplements are another option, If you do not eat fermented foods regularly.


In a 28- day study of 152 rhinovirus-infected people, those who supplemented with the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis had a stronger endangered response and lower standings of the antivenom in nasal mucus than a control group.

5. Limit added sugars

Arising delving suggests that added sugars and ameliorated carbohydrates may disproportionately contribute to blubbery and adiposity.


Fatness can also increase your menace of getting sick.

According to an existential study about people, gross people who entered the flu vaccine were twice as likely to get the flu as non-obese people who entered the vaccine.


Reducing your sugar input can downsize inflammation and help you lose weight, thereby reducing your menace of dyed-in-the-wool disorders corresponding to type 2 diabetes and heart disorder.

Since fattiness, type 2 diabetes, and heart disorder can weaken your sacred system, limiting added sugars is an important part of a sacred-boosting diet.


You should strive to limit your sugar input to inferior

6. Get moderate exercise

Although outstretched, hellacious exercise can suppress your invincible system, moderate exercise can boost it.


Studies indicate that yea a single session of moderate exercise can increase the effectiveness of vaccines in people with compromised invincible systems.

Further, regular, moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and help bulletproof cells regenerate regularly


Prototypes of moderate exercise include brisk walking, steady cycling, jogging, swimming, and light walks. Supreme people should aim for at least 150 shakes of moderate exercise per week.

7. Stay soggy

Hydration does not need to guard you against roots and herbicides, but helping humidity is important to your overall health.


Humidity can effectuate headaches and hog-tie your physical performance, engrossment, mood, digestion, and heart and like function. These complications can increase your vulnerability to the disorder.

To forestall dampness, you should drink enough fluids each day so that your urine is pale cowardly in color. Water is recommended because it doesn’t contain calories, accessories, or sugar.


While tea and juice are hydrating as well, it’s chic to limit your input of fruit juice and candied tea due to their high sugar content.

As a general guideline, you should drink when you’re thirsty and stop drinking when you’re no longer thirsty. You may need another fluid if you exercise forcefully, work outdoors, or live in a hot climate.


It’s important to note that over-the-hill grown-ups begin to lose the passion to drink, as their bodies don’t adequately signal thirst. Over-the-hill grown-ups need to drink regularly yea if they aren’t thirsty.

8. Manage your stress echelons

Relieving stress and anxiety is critical to privileged health.
Long-term stress promotes inflammation, as well as imbalances in holy cell function.


In particular, prolonged intellectual stress can suppress the holy response in children.
The exertion that can help you manage your stress includes contemplation, exercise, journaling, yoga, and other observation practices. You can also serve by seeing a warranted counselor or therapist, either online or in person.

9. Complement wisely

It’s easy to turn to supplements if you hear claims about their faculty to treat or preclude COVID-19.


Notwithstanding, these claims are groundless and false.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there’s no corroboration to support the use of any supplement to forestall or treat COVID-19 (30 Trusted Source).


Notwithstanding, some studies indicate that the following supplements can strengthen your body’s overall shielded response
Vitamin C. According to a review of other people, taking to mg of vitamin C per day reduced the duration of the cold waves by 8 in grown-ups and 14 in children. Notwithstanding, supplementation didn’t forestall the cold wave to begin with.
Vitamin D lacuna can increase your chances of getting sick, so supplementation can negative this effect. Notwithstanding, taking vitamin D when it’s at OK reaches doesn’t appear to give fresh benefits.
Zinc. In a review in 575 people with the common freeze, supplementation with farther than 75 mg of zinc per day reduced the duration of the cold by 33.
Elder. A small review plant that elderberry might reduce the symptoms of viral upper respiratory infections, but other probing is wanted.
Echinacea A study of more than 700 people plants that those who took echinacea recovered from snap slightly fleetly than those who took a placebo or no treatment, but the difference was negligible.
Garlic. A high-quality 12-week study of 146 people initiate that garlic supplementation reduced the regularity of the common cold wave by much 30. Notwithstanding, another exploration is claimed.
While these supplements showed implicit in the studies mentioned above, that does not mean they’re effective against COVID-19. These help boosting your immune system.



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