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The act of recognizing someone’s work or understanding that something is valuable as described. This is called appreciation. In short, to recognize someone’s works or deeds. But in today’s world, appreciation has become like a lifeline for all of us. Everyone wants all their works or things to be appreciated.



             From purchasing new clothes before wearing them, from joining a new class till stage shows or becoming a performer, and at last, doing anything at their own place to doing it in another place, for everything and everyone needs appreciation and appreciation. If it’s appreciated it’s fine otherwise removed or thrown out of life.



              Every outing, every work, even having food has become a part of selfie’s and clicking selfies has become like the heart of all people, and then followed by likes and appreciation. For getting appreciation, people are ready to hurt their own family members. They even forget their own responsibilities towards the family just to get appreciation from others in the society or community.



                I would like to share a story about a person who wanted to receive appreciation from others, for what he is and for what he has …???



               Once, there was a king in a town, who had huge wealth. So one day, the King calls his Minister and asks him, Mr. Minister., how can I utilize my wealth so that everyone in the Town will know about my wealth and what can I do with this wealth to receive a lot of appreciation from the Town people. Mr. Minister uses your knowledge and experience and gives me some good ideas or maybe an opinion… Minister thinks for a while and then he says, Your Majesty..!!!, We will throw a big dinner party and invite all the people in and around the town for dinner, and also we will keep 4-5 big size pots which will be filled with Gold, Diamonds, Pearls and many other pieces of jewelry, how much a person wants can take from the pot, which is like a complimentary gift with dinner, the King also agreed with the idea of his Minister.



                 The day came and the dinner was arranged in a very grand way and the complimentary gift (i.e) pots with all the jewelry had been arranged. Millions of people turned up for the dinner and everyone happily took the jewelry from the pot accordingly. The King was very happy to see so many people for dinner, so many people meant so much appreciation. So, He thought he would go around a few people, without people’s knowledge, and try to hear how many good deeds have been said about Him, how much He has been appreciated for His great dinner as well as complimentary arrangements.



               People’s, on the other hand, started appreciating, the food arrangements are really good, the taste of the food is awesome, the items which have been kept for the dinner are again excellent, and the best part was to take the complimentary gift (i.e) jewelry as much as we want. Hearing this from the people, the King’s happiness was on another level. His will to know about his and to get appreciation from the people is getting fulfilled. He was on top of this world.



                At that time, a person says; Yes! Everything was excellent but only one problem, the pot which has been kept to take the complimentary gift has a small mouth. Only a handful of jewelry will come out at a time. If the mouth of the pot is big in size, then it would have been better because we can take a lot of jewelry in a single time itself and I think this idea would have been a good one. Hearing this the King gets upset. He realizes only one thing from this that whatever we do and how much we do, we won’t get appreciation as per our wish. 



              So friends, after hearing this story, only one thing I’ll say is, ” Don’t do deeds to get appreciated, instead of do deeds to get Happiness”.

After the short story on appreciation, I need to even add a few benefits of it. Yes, appreciation is necessary but when, where, why, how much….. This is to be known. Don’t panic, here are few benefits: 



  1. Appreciate those people who sacrifice their life for others happily like army, navy, air force, etc…


  1. If you’re working as a team, appreciate your colleagues for the work done by them.


  1. Appreciate your family for bringing you into this world.


  1. Appreciate those persons who are fasting food for a few days or months or maybe even for a year.


  1. Appreciate the person who inspires you in your life.


  1. Appreciate those people who also hurt you and make you strong from the inside.








                     DOING THE DEEDS,


             DON’T WORRY 

                     ABOUT THE FRUIT …”


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Julia is a programming language that is used for scientific computation and mathematical problems. Julia is a combined language of both C and Python. But it doesn’t copy any of the features from them. This combo holds high speed and flexibility in code writing.

Julia was developed by a group of students from the MIT. It is a high level programming language that is used to solve statistical problems and data analysis. It has higher execution speed than Python and R. Julia also supports data analytics for cloud computing and parallelism.


On the other hand, Python is a programming language that is introduced to provide simplicity in complex codes by breaking them into small codes. Guido van Rossum invented this programming language in 1991.




1) Julia is faster than Python.
2) Julia codes can be easily converted to C and Python codes.
3) Julia can interfere with any libraries of C and Fortran.
4) Julia is dynamically typed. Developers can create variables without specifying their types.

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Untold Story : A Story of a Psychopath Girl




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Is it good if parents are strict with their kids and don’t even bother about the kids’ willingness, choices, hatred, changes in their behaviour and this results as kids slowly become a psychopath...???? A story of a girl whose behavioral changes were unnoticed by her parents which resulted in a very deadly way.




Once, there lived a family – a couple with their cute lovely daughter. One day, the neighbours around them started hearing some horrifying sounds coming from that house as if somebody is in need of help and continuously asking for help. Continuously a lady is crying, saying no-no, don’t do that and asking for help.



Hearing the sound of screams again and again, the neighbours were compelled to go there to see what was happening in the house after all. What those neighbours saw with their eyes was very horrified and insane. The daughter was looking exactly like a psychopath and her parents were in a condition where everyone would pity them.




The girl’s father was tied to a pole and drops of wax were falling on him continuously from above. Every time a drop of wax fell on him, the pain was clearly coming out from his mouth as his scream of saying, Oh God! Please help me….??  The girl’s mother was even more in a miserable way than her husband.



She was tied to a chair. Her hairs were half cut and remaining hairs were left unevenly. Her face was covered with makeup as if looking like a scary joker. Her eyebrows were made broad, the kajal pencil was rubbed on her face to make her look like a Halloween ghost, while Lipstick was applied not on her lips but all around the lips to make her look more spooky.



The scenario of the house was more like a haunted house. When the neighbours started shouting at the girl, as to what she is doing in the house and what she has done to her parents…, she started behaving in a parallel way by throwing plates, bowls etc. on the neighbours through the windows.



One of the neighbours got hurt from a bowl and all the neighbours ran away. They all mutually decided to call the police, so that they can save the couple, who is inside the house with a psychopath. They all call the police and the police come to the place. The neighbours were standing outside that house and they gave the idea to the police as to what was actually happening inside the house.



Police people, without wasting the time, break the door and go inside the house and save the couple, by tricking the psychopath. It came as a shock for the police when they came to know that it was their daughter who was hurting her parents. Police immediately called someone from the rehabilitation centre and sent that girl with the rehabilitation centre officials.



An ambulance was called and both her parents were taken to the hospital. After a few days, in the rehab centre, the doctor had a counselling session with the girl to know what is the reason behind this paranormal behaviour..??? Doctor asked her, “why did you give so much pain to your parents..??”




The girl didn’t reply. Dr. asked it again and again, but she didn’t give any reply. Doctor understood the problem with the girl and he intelligently started handling this situation. He called one of the nurses inside the room with two cups of coffee. When the nurse came inside the room with coffee, the doctor offered the coffee to the nurse.



Doctor gives the signal to the nurse to say no when he offers her a coffee. She understood and replied, No, Doctor..!! I don’t want to have coffee right now.. Doctor purposefully offers  the coffee again and again and she continuously says No… This gets repeated five to six times.



At that time, the girl suddenly jumps on the Doctor, holding a pen in her hand and screams in a very paranormal way, if she is saying “NO”, why do you think that as “YES”..?? The Doctor and Nurse were astonished to find the girl behaving abnormally by hearing “NO”. Nurse immediately calls the hospital staff for help and they hold her tightly and make her sit in front of the Doctor.




Now, when again, the Doctor asks the girl about what has happened wrong with her in her life, the girl replies, “Even though I am a girl, I love cars. Whenever I demanded cars to my parents, they said “NO”, you are a girl and you should play with barbie’s and not with cars.” When my parents thought of giving me a house paint, I said my favourite is blue and I want my room to be blue in colour.



But my parents said “NO”,blue is a boy’s colour and you are a girl, so your room should be pink in colour. When I said I don’t want to go out for the studies, they sent me. When I said I want to learn Mechanical engineering and want to make my own car, they said, “NO”. When I said I wanted to hang out with my friends, they said “NO”.



When I said I don’t want to come to your social parties, they took me with them without knowing my willingness. When I said I want to join self-defense, they said “NO” and every time, this happened. Whatever I wanted, whatever my willingness was, were all in vain and for whatever I said “NO”, those things were fulfilled.



Why every time my “NO” was considered “YES” and my “YES” was totally ignored. Now, when I was harming my parents, every time they said “NO”, I considered it as “YES” and their “YES” was ignored…. and started laughing paranormally.



Seeing the pain of the girl, in her smile, the Doctor felt very bad for her. Moreover, he was very much concerned for the girl and pitied her to be seen as a psychopath. The Doctor worries now about the coming generation and thinks why things are going wrong in the family…??? What can be the reason for a child to be a psychopath..???? Is it…



* Dysfunctional environment is one of the main factors in the development of psychopathic traits.



* Children who have been mentally abused, their willingness to be neglected, and getting separated from their parent, are more likely to develop psychopathy.



* Poor bonding with a parent is also a  big factor.




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As we can see, now the pandemic has come to an end and people are trying to come back to their regular life. But this is not easy for everyone to come back to their regular life. Now, people have to speed up their work in a much faster way to recover the loss. Many lost their jobs, many closed their shops and many started up new businesses. How was our life before the pandemic and how we are doing the new beginning after the end of this pandemic are totally two different ways, which needs a lot of patience and hardwork from everyone to get habitant to. Stress, pain and frustration has reached its extreme level. I came up with the concept of a few home friendly gadgets which can help you to release your stress, lower down your pain, frustration etc.. The following are the gadgets ( fidgeted toys and stress reliever) which are home friendly, budget friendly and can be used by anyone and most importantly these


Gadgets are not Harmful to anyone :

POP IT : A POP-IT is a fidget toy, which is very popular now-a-days, made with a bright and vibrant coloured silicone tray which has pokable bubbles. These bubbles are very much equivalent like a wrap made of bubbles. These Pop-It come in different colours, shapes, sizes and can be reused. This toy is advertised as a stress reliever.


1. relieve stress
2. releases anxiety, when pressing bubbles to simply pass the time
3. Calms down
4. relaxation
5. Increase the focus at work or in life
6. fantastic for kids


HOP /GYM BALL : Hop Ball is a spherical shape with a handle to ensure a secure grip while any child or an adult sits on it. In today’s situation, wellness and fitness have become a priority for many customers. By understanding the growing demand regarding fitness, these hop balls are made. It also works as a reliable physiotherapy equipment. Manufacturer offers an inventory of products for children as well as for adults, featuring a wide collection of inflating accessories. These balls are also named as hopper balls, space hoppers, or hippity hops. But, whatever the name is, these hop balls, folks of all ages can have hours of fun playing on these giant inflatable balls. Just sit on it, grab the handles, and you’re ready to get bouncing.


1. These balls, not only bouncing on a hopper ball have fun, but, it provides both cardiovascular and strength exercise.
2. It raises your heart rate to increase your stamina and heart health.


3. It helps build muscle, particularly in the legs and core.

SMILEY / STRESS BALLS : Stress balls were originally invented to release the stress and tension levels. But with their increasing popularity as a stress relief tool, the balls provide many other health benefits too. Only by squeezing the ball, a person is advantageous towards a healthier life. Even as per studies, which shows that when you squeeze a stress ball, your nerves and muscles stimulate and contract which makes them stronger. Strength improves the overall nervous system, which reduces essential hormones and can control
your stress levels.



1. Reduces stress and anxiety
2. Relieve arthritis pains
3. Increases positive energy
4. Improves blood circulation
5. Lower blood pressure
6. Strengthening your muscles
7. Improves your sleep
8. Enhance emotional stability
9. Improve concentration and creativity


A fidget spinner is a toy made either of metal or plastic. It has a ball bearing in the center of a multi-segmented, flat structure and it is designed to spin along its axis with pressure. The user rotates this device in between the fingers (thumb and index finger) and gets a pleasant sensation.



1. It spins around and creates a hypnotic effect.
2. As your brain gets involved with the spinner, it relieves stress and anxiety, as it gives comfort from stressful situations.

MONKEY NOODLES : There are many fidgeted toys in the market which releases stress, tension and benefits our body. But if I speak about monkey noodles, this toy will even release your frustration and anger too. If you are in search of a new fidget toy or a sensory toy, then Monkey Noodles can be your perfect choice. You can stretch, twirl, wrap, pull and squeeze them and watch it again bouncing back to its original shape.. Wow..!!! Isn’t that a
perfect way for sensory and tactile stimulation?


BUZZ MAGNETS : Buzz magnets are also called rattlesnake eggs magnet or Buzzing Stunt Magnets. They are two finely polished, high powered, oval shaped magnets. These magnets are super strong and they have a lot of fun to play with. You can do so many cool stunts, toss them, spin them, listen to their buzz, have them attract through your hand. If you want to have fun with them, simply toss the two magnets up into the air and you will hear a surprisingly loud BUZZ as they are drawn together. These magnets are made of powerful and shiny hematite and the magnetic attraction and its uniquely elliptical shape clubs together to create the vibrating buzzzzz…. sound.

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Now, as the pandemic has come to an end, many people are facing a few other problems. The most searched problem is what we should do now…??? How can we earn money…??? The pandemic has taken many lives and at the same time, many people lost their businesses, jobs too. In this article, I am going to speak on which is the best online and offline business ideas, through which you can think for a new startup. So, let’s first see the 5
best offline ways through which we can start small scale businesses.



Being a tutor, both offline and online will be a great new startup as a profession. Either you can start a coaching centre where you can teach students different subjects or you can be a certified teacher and teach the students online. Apart from this, being a tutor doesn’t mean that he /she can only be a teacher. You can even teach many different things like how to be an author, a digital marketing manager, various dance forms, musical
instruments and many more…



IPO refers to the process of offering shares of a private corporation to the public in a new stock issuance. This (IPO) is not like any other website where trading is done on a very high-risk basis. It is just as simple as how you do, like, open a Demat account, purchases the shares and when you see the hike in the price, sell it. This business can be done with a minimum investment of 15000 rupees.


This is also a small scale business. Many people have lost their jobs in this pandemic and many have opened their own stalls on the roadsides as street food to take care of their everyday expenses. If the investment is small, then you can opt for small stalls, but if the investment is a little high, then you can opt for franchisees of ice-cream parlours, small restaurants etc….



This is also a small scale business which is like working from home. We can make various items from home like cakes, pickles of different flavours, home-made chocolates and sell them directly to the customers or in any shops. The investment is very low and the profit earned is high.


This is also another best small scale business in the field of industries. Industries like fancy candle-making, jute bags, envelopes, incense sticks, camphor can be started which doesn’t require a big investment too. The above mentioned are the best 5 ways through which we can open our small scale business, offline. Now, let’s see the best 5 online ways through which we can start our own business on a small scale basis.


6. BLOGGING: If you have a passion for writing and if your writing skills are crazy then you can opt-out for this profession called “BLOGGING”. You need to open a website, post your blogs or articles, do social marketing on social media platforms, apply for AdSense and get approval and you can start earning your money. It may take time but if you trust your work, definitely your Website can become a big brand. This is one of the best online ways through which you can start earning money on a small scale basis.

7. ONLINE DATA ENTRY SERVICES: This is also a small scale online business – startup of data entry services. It means doing the entry of all data and records, manually in the web or cloud-based software system with the help of secure, accurate, and reliable methods and maintaining a strict security protocol. If you don’t have that much investment that is required to start this business, you can apply for the job as well.


8. YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Opening a YouTube channel – this, I believe is one of the favourite professions of many people online. You need a camera, which must have a good quality image, a tripod and a particular subject or topic on which you can make more and more videos. Upload the videos frequently and you can start earning money in a short span.

9. FLIP AND SELL THRIFT ITEMS: If you have good knowledge in the field of clothing or like in the field of reusing the products, you can opt for this business idea. Today, in every city, there’s a thrift store. You can buy thrift items, flip them and sell them on social media platforms. There are apps, that are asking for your used clothes. Not only clothes, but you can even make handcraft items by using the thrift and sell them and earn money. Now-a-
days, thrift is the new savings. So use thrift asap your passion and start your business with less investment.


10. AFFILIATE MARKETING: Affiliate marketing is a method through which a company generates sales. In affiliate marketing, the company pays commission to others (i.e bloggers), to put their products or services advertised on the website, so that the company gets sales. This is also one of the best online methods of earning money and in the coming years, the Affiliate Marketing concept is going to grow more and more.

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Swami Vivekananda, the eternal Youth Icon, quoted the Youth as, “You are the leaders of tomorrow”. You are the heroes of tomorrow, you are those energies that will define the future of tomorrow”. So, Youths is tomorrow’s leaders and not the cheerleaders. Youth life is the Teenage life of a person and this life will shape and groom the whole life of that person.
Today’s youth are bold in their attitude, transparent in describing their ideas, views and thoughts, practical in their behaviour, reserved while talking with others, courageous in taking decisions and agile in nature. For them, life is like a ladder, where they climb the ladder step after step on it to reach success, without any tension and anyone’s interference.
They’re very straightforward and believe in winning at each and every phase of life. They have their own pace in life and every phase of life looks like a challenge, which then becomes more adventurous and adds more fun. So, the ultimatum is that their way of
seeing life is very different from the matured, adult and old-aged people. To understand more about the youth and to fulfil the basic essential requisites, here are a few ideas which can help parents in grooming their kids, who are going to become the future icons.

BELIEVE IN FAITH: Teach them to believe in faith. Firstly, believe in God and second, in yourself. Faith will give you all the positive vibes, which a person needs even if they are facing any obstacle in life. Teach them – mighty the obstacles, mighty will be your



It is very important for a person to understand and respect the feelings of any person. Particularly, teach them to respect the feelings of poor people and their willingness to help them or to be useful to any of their fellow beings. Respect the
feelings and willingness of your family members too. No matter whether they are older than you or younger. “Give respect to all” …


The personality and character of every person are to be inculcated firstly. They should work personally and mentally on their health to strengthen the body and do physical exercises to maintain their aggression. Their character should also be developed so that they can concentrate on their willpower, maintain their goodwill and live a healthy, useful and social life. The youth should be taught the difference between ego, jealousy, dominance and overconfidence versus discipline, commitment, obedience, self-respect, mannerism.


VALUE OF TIME: This is one of the most important aspects to be taught to each and every kid- TIME MANAGEMENT. People, who respect the value of their own time and respect others time too, will get respect from everyone.

NEVER GIVE UP: The youth should be made so strong in such a way, that any challenge or a problem or any obstacle should not divert their mind from reaching their target. In short, they should be taught never to give up in life. Even if you fail, don’t lose hope. Try and try till the last breath to overcome the hurdle.


GLORY OF LABOUR: What is the glory of labour should be taught to the rising heroes. Any kind of labour or work is not small and we should not feel ashamed to do work with our hands. If we see at a few of the foreign countries, we can see that from a very small age, the children start their labour. If we see in many countries, the students themselves clean the whole school, which also counts as a part of their curriculum. I am not blaming this as wrong, but I am just trying to say as like, this is the dignity of labour. Many students get involved in the field of science and technology to make experiments, and actually, this is the right place where we can explore many things. If we see today’s time, many youngsters are wasting their time making short videos. Instead of that try to make such “APPS”, from which you can earn more than what you are doing from those short videos.

EDUCATION: Which education will be better for the YOUTH? The book-worm education or the realistic education. The bookworm education means whatever the information is put in the brains of the youth, throughout their school life and the realistic education is where we teach the youth about teamwork, framing the character, life-giving, structuring the



1. Be humble, positive and always have a tendency of helping others.
2. Be bold, strong and an undisputed champion to face any hurdle fearlessly.
3. Totally devoted and dedicated towards work as like worshipping your God.
4. Be good and do good and have harmony for all people.
5. Choose your ideal which is higher to you, so that you understand what you want and
where you want to go in life.

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