These are on a series based popularly stories of grandma’s, which will be added with today’s digital version, so as to visualize it, how much the technology has helped everyone’s day-to-day life, and whether these technical aspects are fruitful to us or not.
There are many stories about Cinderella, but this is the most famous story, the very favorite bedtime tale of all kids. Once upon a time, there lived a girl with her stepmother and two stepsisters. The poor girl used to work hard for the whole day long and the others would take a rest. She wakes up early in the morning whether it is dark or cold outside, she’ll get up and put the fire on, and cook food and other stuff for everyone all day long. She didn’t even find time to take a bath and this is the reason that her clothes smelled bad. Her full day was surrounded by the ashes and the cinders, so her stepsisters gave her the name, “CINDERELLA”.
One day, big news came to the town. The king and the queen are throwing a ball. All the girls in the town are invited to the ball as they are finding the bride for their son. After hearing this news Cinderella’s stepsisters were so excited about the ball. Now, the workload for Cinderella has increased as she has to make extremely beautiful gowns for her stepsisters. Even Cinderella wants to go to the ball with her stepsisters. But, when her stepmother came to know that even Cinderella is interested in going to the ball, she gave her more household work and told her to take care of the house and complete all the house works. Cinderella was crying because she was even interested in going to the ball. Then, suddenly a fairy Godmother appears. She goes near Cinderella and says, don’t worry dear, I’ll send you to the ball. At the time Cinderella’s fairy godmother asks, “Who are you and why did you come here to help me..??, do I know you..??” The fairy godmother says, I”m a fairy, and I”m here to help you, dear Cinderella.!!” & You ask me anything you want, don’t worry I’ll get you the same. Then Cinderella says, I’m keen to go to the ball. My stepmother and stepsisters went for the ball but they didn’t take me with them. I was also eager enough to attend the ball and even made a beautiful gown to wear to the ball but my stepmom and stepsisters spoiled my dress.
She started crying again. At that time, the fairy Godmother spells out some magic with a stick in her hand. After she spells out the magic, Cinderella spoiled dress turns into a beautiful gown, the hairs which were looking uncombed, were fixed automatically, a pair of shoes, which had some special uniqueness in it, which are made from glass, which only fits Cinderella was given to her to wear for the ball. A chariot was given to Cinderella so that she can sit inside it and go for the ball. For Cinderella, it was all a dream come true. The fairy godmother at the end tells Cinderella, all this magic will get spelled out by midnight. So, Cinderella understood that she has to leave the ball before the clock strikes 12’clock. When Cinderella entered the ball, the Prince could not take his eyes from her. He asked her to dance with him and even Cinderella accepted to dance with the prince.
They both started dancing and dancing continued and continued. Suddenly Cinderella saw the clock and it was going to be midnight. Cinderella remembers what the fairy godmother has said to her and she started running from the ball. The prince also started running behind her, but Cinderella didn’t stop. when she was running through the stairs, one glass slipper fell off her foot on the stair. But Cinderella kept running. As the clock struck 12, all the magical spells vanished, but the slippers didn’t vanish as the slipper’s magic spell was broken.
The Prince kept shouting stop, stop…but Cinderella didn’t stop. The prince got upset. But on the stairs, He saw the glass slipper of Cinderella and thought that He would go hut to hut, house to house to find the girl who was wearing this slipper, who is having the second slipper of this pair and make her His bride. The Prince went along with his soldiers to each and every house to find out who was the girl who was wearing that glass slipper. After searching each and every house, finally, they reached Cinderella’s home. The stepmother of Cinderella introduced her two daughters to the Prince. The shoes did not fit any of Cinderella’s stepsisters. The Prince asked Cinderella’s stepmother, is there any other girl in your home..??? The stepmom says Not. At that time, Cinderella comes out from the other side of the curtain and says, “I’m also here” The Prince bent down on his foot and told Cinderella to wear the slipper. It fit perfectly! Then, from her pocket, Cinderella took out something. It was the other glass slipper! The stepsisters screamed, You, no..?? “She can’t BE!” yelled the stepmother. He looked into Cinderella’s eyes and didn’t listen to anyone’s comment. He did not see the cinders in her hair or the ashes on her face. “I have found you!” He said. “And I have found you,” said Cinderella. The stepmom and stepsisters kept on saying, “She can’t be, She can’t be..!!” But it was too late. Then, Cinderella and the Prince got married, and they lived happily ever after.
Grandma says, today’s people don’t believe in fate, today’s people, more than 50% don’t believe in hard work, and today’s people before doing any work think whether it is fruitful to them or not. This is today’s reality. But if you see Cinderella’s story, she was a hardworking girl. She never thought whatever work she is doing will be fruitful to her or not. She only believed in hard work and her fate. Because of this, we can see in the story how fate supported her. Even after the magic was spelled out, the sleepers didn’t vanish and because of this the Prince was able to find Cinderella and they got happily married ever after. So, you see how hard work, fate, and unconditional efforts pay you off in return.
1. What you give is what you get – is the oldest version. But Grandma says, with what feel you give, you get the fruit with the same feel.
2. Nowadays, many people believe that whatever they want and they are doing, it’s all because of power. But that is not true. When fate turns you down or turns you up, you don’t know. You only get what is in your fate.
3. To improve your destiny, donate. But don’t publish it on social media. The donation should be done with one hand and even the other hand should not be aware of your donation.
MORAL OF THE STORY: It is only your struggle that will speak about the journey of success. So make the struggle a part of your life. Believe in doing good deeds, those good deeds will come back. No matter how much you struggle, fate will definitely support you for
your good work.
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These are on a series based popularly stories of grandma’s, which will be added with today’s digital version, so as to visualize it, how much the technology has helped everyone’s day-to-day life, and whether these technical aspects are fruitful to us or not.
Once upon a time, there lived a shoemaker with his wife and they were very poor. Whatever the amount the shoe-maker got in return after selling the shoes, was the only source through which they got the food. The shoe-maker was very poor and on one fine day, he had only a little leather left out with which he could prepare only a
pair of shoes. So, the shoemaker decided to cut the leather and design the shoe in a very beautiful way to make it look like a beautiful pair of shoes. On the same day, a rich man came to the shoemaker and asked for a pair of shoes. The shoe-maker only had a single pair of shoes left with him and he showed it to the rich man.
Fortunately, the shoes fitted the man’s feet very nicely and he liked it so much that he gave him a good sum of money. With that money, the shoemaker brought enough leather to make two more pairs of shoes. On the day, the shoe-maker cut the designs of the shoes and kept them on the table. As he was so tired, he went to sleep.
He only cut the designs of the shoe but didn’t make it and during the nighttime, after he slept, something magical happened. When the shoe-maker got up the next day in the morning, he saw the shoes had already been made. He discussed this miracle with his wife, but neither of them understood how it happened. On the same day, a lady came and purchased both pairs of shoes and gave him a good sum of money.
The shoe-maker now brought enough leather to make four pairs of shoes and in the same way, he cut the designs and he kept it on the table, and went to sleep. To his surprise, when he woke up in the morning, he saw the shoes were made in a very wonderful way on the table. The wife of the shoe-maker was a bit surprised and even worried as to who did this last night ..?? Who came to our home..?? His wife came up with an idea that we will hide a full night behind the curtains and see who is coming to our house and making the shoes. Now, for this night, the shoe-maker as always cut the designs of the shoes and kept them on the table. The elves and the shoemaker hides.
He along with his wife hides behind the curtains to find the mystery. At midnight around, there came a group of tiny elves and they worked for the whole night and completed the making of the shoes. The elves were naked and seeing them the shoe-maker and his wife felt pity for them. The shoemaker’s wife made a few clothes, hats, and socks for
the tiny elves. On that night, they didn’t keep the cut leather for the shoes. Instead, they kept the prepared clothes, socks, and hats for the elves on the table. On that night, the elves came and were very happy to see the tiny clothes, hats, and socks for them. They cried they enjoyed, they wore the clothes and they even blessed the shoemaker’s family. From that day onwards, the elves didn’t come back but the blessing of those ELVES made the shoe-
maker, slowly a Richman.
In this digital version, I want to share a small story with you. Once, there was a man who prayed day and night just to meet the lord. After praying for so many years, one day God came into his dreams and said, “I’ll visit you tomorrow..!!”. The man was very happy and excited too. He keeps on wondering as to how he will meet God,
what he will ask, what he will hear from Him and many more things were simply run into
his brain like a wave. The next day morning, he was ready with all the arrangements to meet God like for offerings, foods, clothes and so much. At the time, a beggar came to his house and asked for food. The man said, Hey! wait..!! Who are you and why you come here..?? I’m waiting here for my God. He said to me in my dreams that he will be visiting me today anytime. So, I’m waiting for Him. You just don’t come here, Go, Get Lost..!! The beggar went.
After a few hours pass away, a pregnant lady comes to this man and asks for food and help. The man shouts at the pregnant lady and says her to go away in the same way how he told to the beggar. After some time, a boy comes to this man asking for food and clothes and the man behaves in the same way how he treated the pregnant lady and the beggar. Then, the man again started praying to God and asks him, Why you didn’t come to meet me..?? You promised me..!! The God replied, “I came to you, Son, but you didn’t recognize me. Every time I visited you, you only insulted me..!! The man understood that the beggar, the pregnant lady, and the boy were the persons who visited him, was his God. But he didn’t realize Him. So the elves and the shoemaker story ends here.
Always pray to the spirit and not to the statue because God can come to you in any disguise. It doesn’t matter to him how he should meet his devotees. The only thing which matters is to God is His HOLY devotees. This is the grandma’s illusion of the elves and the shoemaker.
ETHOS OF THE STORY: The ethos of the story is to help, share, care, motivate everyone because we don’t know who is the person, in which disguise, who is asking help from us. Always try to do good for others but don’t ever try to hurt others.
7,443 total views, 14 views today

These are on a series based popularly stories of grandma’s, which will be added with today’s digital version, so as to visualise it, that’s how much the technology has helped everyone’s day – to – day life, and the technical aspects are fruitful to us or not. This is a vision of the hungry fox.
GRANDMA’S OLDER VISION : Once upon a time, a fox was very hungry and he was searching for food here and there in the forest. But can’t find anything properly to eat. Finally, the fox entered the Vineyard and saw bunches of grapes, hanging on the branches of the trees. The grapes hanging in bunches on the branches of the tree were very up. It was not possible for a fox to reach the grapes. But, because he was hungry he started trying hard to reach the grapes. The fox starts to jump to reach the grapes. It jumps again and again for many times but could not reach the grapes. Finally, the fox gets tired and says, the grapes are sour in taste and it runs away.
GRANDMA’S DIGITAL VISION : Now in the present situation, every person is very hungry of success and wants to reach the utmost place. Everybody’s searching for success, here and there in the world. But don’t have – a proper planning, a correct execution technique and the most important is, how to maintain the success. But they will enter this competitive world and start adoring all the successful persons who have already achieved success. The most important mistake which almost everyone commits is – first is, they will start comparing themselves with others and second is, almost every person will see only the success of a successful person, but no one will see his level of planning, organising and executing the plan, patience, his strength, activeness and the success story behind his success will not be even noticed. Success is hanging in bunches in different fields and projects as different branches of a tree. It is also hanging up as grapes on the tree. As how it wasn’t easy for the fox to reach grapes, it is not easy and possible for all humans to reach success faster and sooner. But, because humans really want to achieve it, they also start jumping again and again. Few people may find the success but others continue to try. By trying continuously in one single direction, then finally, those people get tired and thinks, the business idea as very sour and drop the idea of their business. This is the digitise version of the hungry fox
- The major mistake committed by every person is – comparison. With whom are we going to compare our self, say me..??? With a person who has already raised his standard of living by growing so many years in the business, or with a person, who is in same level as ours. If we compare our self with higher side, we feel inferior and if we compare with same colleague, then the growth will stop.
- Let others do the comparison work, we should only focus on our work and everyday raise our efforts to achieve our goals.
- Just like a fox, how it was jumping again and again to reach the grapes. In the same way, we should also always try again and again to reach our destination..
- If we are trying many times and not attaining the goal, then don’t think it as sour and leave the work, instead make few changes in our work and again start from the beginning.
- Positive visionary towards the goals will give you good results. Always remember one thing, you are hiding one unique talent in you, just bring it out, scream loudly and stamp your signature.
MORAL OF THE STORY : The moral of the story is – it is always easy to give up or despise, but the real strength is built up when we fight for it until we succeed in our goals. So, never give up, instead we can find different ways or techniques to reach our motive. Start your day with new positive vibes and new ideas to achieve the target, instead of changing your goals everyday.
7,481 total views, 14 views today

These are on a series based on popular stories of grandma, which will be added with today’s digital version, so as to visualize, how much the technology has helped everyone’s day-to-day life, and whether these technical aspects are fruitful to us or not.
We all know about Akbar and Birbal. Akbar and Birbal are one of the most repeated names in the stories.
Birbal is one of the most intelligent gems in Akbar’s kingdom. Akbar always used to get suggestions from Birbal relating to any state affairs.
Once, on a cold winter night, Akbar and Birbal were walking near a lake. Akbar touched the water by putting his finger in the freezing water and immediately took it out and said to Birbal, “I don’t think anybody can survive in this water for a night..??” It’s very cold.
Akbar then says to Birbal, I want to see, can anybody survive in this water for one night..?? He added, if anyone will stay in the water for the whole night and survive, then, I’ll pay a reward of 1000 gold coins. The next day, BIRBAL makes the announcement in the village as whoever will stay in this freezing water for one night will be rewarded by the King with
1000 gold coins.
Soon, a poor man was ready to take on the challenge of standing in the freezing water for the whole night. The poor man was guarded by two royal guards and he stood the whole night in the freezing water. The next morning, the guards took the poor man to the court to receive his reward.
The king asked the poor man, how did you stay the whole night in that chilled water..?? He said, Your Highness..!! I looked at a lamp that was burning at a distance and spent the night. On hearing this from the man, the Emperor got very angry and said, you are not eligible to receive this reward as you manage to stand in the cold freezing water because of the warmth from the lamp.
The Poorman was heartbroken and went to BIRBAL for help. After hearing this from the poor man, BIRBAL decided to teach the lesson of HOPE to the King in his technical way.
The next day, Birbal didn’t go to the court. Akbar waited for a while but still when BIRBAL didn’t
come to the court, He visited BIRBAL to find the reason.
When the king visited BIRBAL, to His amusement, He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Birbal was sitting beside the fire with a pot hanging almost 6 feet above. When Akbar asked Birbal, what is this..?? Birbal replied, “your highness.!! I Am cooking KHICHDI“. Akbar started laughing and said, how can you cook khichdi in this way, this is totally impossible.
Birbal replied, “It is possible, my Lord..!!”. Akbar said to BIRBAL to explain it. Birbal replies, if a poor man can stay warm by looking at a burning lamp from a distance, then I can cook khichdi in the same way. Akbar understood the point of Birbal. He called the Poorman and rewarded him with 1000 gold coins for completing the challenge. Birbal said if we have hope, we get the inspiration to do any hard work.
GRANDMA’S DIGITISE VERSION: Grandma explains, “what is hope..?” On one hand, a family is living their life – no one is interested in caring, sharing, worrying, discussing, expressing, all are involved in their own work and don’t even think about those people who are living with them.
On the other side, a family is living – expressing everyone their pains, love, sorrow, care, worrying about everyone, discussing each in every decision, and most importantly respecting each other, no matter whether a person is big or small. So which family do you want..?? If you want the first family, then they are just surviving and if you choose the second one, then, whatever you want will come only because of hope.
1. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. In short, a feeling of trust in others. The desire in you will give you a different expectancy to live life.
2. When Akbar was hoping that if anybody could stand in this lake for a night, He didn’t have to believe in it because He can’t do it by himself. Since the hope was without trust it became a challenge. When a poor man was able to stand for the whole night in the lake, Akbar was not able to believe it because it was not a feeling of trust but it was a challenge.
ETHOS OF THE STORY: The moral of the story says, Hope will start with a feeling of
expectation, desire, and trust, and these, in return will inspire you to do any kind of hard work.
How we say as –
“Where there is a will, there is a way”.
In the same way,
“Where there is a HOPE, there is an INSPIRATION”…
7,535 total views, 12 views today

This is a short story of a Loyal Mongoose
Formerly there lived a planter and his woman. They had a new born baby. They also had a mongoose. One day, the planter went to his fields as usual in the morning. His woman had to go out on some work. She left the mongoose in the house believing that the mongoose would take care of that baby.
Meanwhile, a long snake entered the house. The snake was crawling towards the cradle. The loyal mongoose saw the snake. It incontinently attacked the snake and killed it.
When the planter’s woman returned, she saw the loyal mongoose with blood stains on its mouth and teeth at the entrance of the house. The planter’s woman lost her temper and cried “you tried to kill my baby”! . She took a stick and sprinted the mongoose away.
When she entered the house, she saw the little baby sleeping in the cradle. She also saw the dead snake on the bottom. Latterly, she felt so sorry for what she had done to the loyal mongoose.
Can you guess what happened next in the story.
7,589 total views, 14 views today

These are on a series based popularily stories of grandma’s, which will be added with today’s digital version, so as to visualise it, how much the technology has helped everyone’s daily life, and whether these technical aspects are useful to us or not.
Once upon a time in a village, there lived a farmer with his wife. They were very poor and had no kids, but a small little farm. The only way for their survival was to grow a few vegetables in the farm and sell it in the market and earn money.
Once, eventually, the farmer was able to save sufficient money and with that money he brought a goose to his house. He took the goose and made a nest for her to lay eggs. When the farmer went the next day to the goose to gather some eggs for his breakfast and to sell the remaining in the market, to his surprise the goose laid a golden egg. He tried to sell the goose and the golden eggs.
The farmer was very much surprised by seeing the golden egg. Everyday, the goose was laying a golden egg and soon the farmer and his wife became rich. One day, the farmer thought that everyday the goose is laying one golden egg. why don’t we cut her stomach and get all the golden eggs at a time and become rich..??
The seed of greed originated in the farmer’s brain. So, he went to the goose silently, picked him in his hand and cut the goose with the knife, which they were hiding from the goose. The couple cut the goose and opened it to find out how many golden eggs were inside her.
The goose was like any other goose and had no golden eggs inside of her at all. Now, the farmer realised that his greediness pays him back by losing the goose which laid a golden egg everyday. the goose and the Golden Eggs will never come back. The couple finally realised that they had lost the goose and now they will never be able to see the golden egg ever again in their life.
In this story, Grandma compares the farmer as a common man, the golden egg as the money and killing the goose to become rich to scam. Now-a-days, we can see there are many scams happening by prey upon the common man.
In the name of scams, many common man’s are getting robbed because the scammers give them greed in the form of a golden egg. The scammers will convince you as to how your money will get doubled fast if you invest, they cheat you in the name of lottery prizes and one of the biggest scam which Grandma feels in today’s life is the chain business.
In the name of business, they will convince you to invest money and then they will tell you to join others under you as your team. In all these ways, only a few those who have started up the business and those who have joined this business in the early level will be benefited.
But others are all going to lose their money. So, this is how the scammers greed the common man that every day they are benefitted from this business just like receiving a golden egg, but when the greed increases more (i.e) when people increase more, the goose is being cut down by the knife and nothing is there in her stomach.
In the same way, when many people join the business and investment increases, then, all the people are being cut down and this is how a scam happens. The Goose and the golden eggs are the perfect example for it.
1. It doesn’t mean that all the chain businesses are a scam. The first thing which a person has to see while joining a business is whether they are giving you greed or utilising your potential. There are many chain businesses which don’t ask you to invest, but still you will be benefited there, only by putting your efforts, working hard and showing your potential.
2. Don’t become greedy by seeing others money, because that is the reason where people will cheat you by showing the greed of a golden egg and this results in all your potential will never be noticed, utilised and it will go in vain. Just how the farmer became greedy about the goose and the golden eggs.
3. Believe in your potential, work hard, stay focused, put your efforts to the extreme and raise your standards. Don’t allow a scammer to make a scam by robbing or cheating you. Raise your standards to another extreme level where greed of a single golden egg will not manipulate your mind.
The moral of the story is, “Be happy with what you have, otherwise you will have to face the consequences”. If you want to bring a growth in your life, in your living standards, you have to stay focused on your work, or else, there are many scams to manipulate your mind and bring down to you on the zero level.
7,521 total views, 12 views today